The Whole 'Tude Family!

The Whole 'Tude Family!
Trying to stay warm...Snuggling: the answer to the quest for world peace!

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Official!

It's official.  I'm a member of the Blogosphere.

Really I can't believe it's taken me this long to start a blog. I mean, it's kind of perfect for me--a chance to write, throw out an opinion or two, tell seemingly-endless stories that really do have a point if you stick around long enough...So here goes!

Here's what I'm thinking:

So this blog is a place for me to tell stories--my stories from my perspective in my way. That's for the little devil on one shoulder. The little angel on the other has this to offer: These are my opinions, my views, no one else's and shouldn't be confused in any way, form, shape, or fashion with my day job, place of employment, or any people I actually know. (Don't worry! I'll change your name if there's any chance I might possibly tell a story that's incriminating or otherwise spills the beans.)

I'm a mom and I'm a teacher. Those two roles seem to be the ones on which I'm expending the most energy these days, and I have plenty to say about both parenting and education, or the lack of parenting and the desperate shape public education finds itself in at the moment.

I'm also an activist. There. I said it. I've been trying really, really hard my whole life to keep from rocking  whatever boat it is I find myself standing on. Yeah, it never works. I fight for underdogs, especially when it isn't popular. I'm the one who will call out unfairness and injustice because somewhere deep in the fiber of my being I just can't sit there and say nothing. Trust me; I've tried. Not happening.

I love dialogue, so please feel free to share your thoughts as well. I'll say this--I like that as humans every single one of us gets to form and share the opinion or thought that resonates as true, BUT I sort of have this thing about saying it nicely. It's totally fine by me if you disagree with me. Chances are I'll learn more from people who see things in a different light than I do, but please respect that everyone is entitled to their thoughts. Deep yoga's totally fine if everyone doesn't agree. Seriously, how boring would it be if everyone had the same taste in everything! Ugh!

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