The Whole 'Tude Family!

The Whole 'Tude Family!
Trying to stay warm...Snuggling: the answer to the quest for world peace!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

PLEASE Tell My Most Embarrassing Moment.....Again!!!

Most people love a good most embarrassing moment story as long as it wasn't their most embarrassing moment. My daughter is an exception. She will beg me to tell stories about when she was little. Then she dies laughing and says, "Tell it again!" This happened recently, and it's a good one! I think I'll tell it again!

My kids are exactly 23 months apart to the day. My daughter was walking at 7 months, running by 8 months, and climbing stairs in plastic Barbie high heels at 9 months. You get the idea--she can be kind of a handful. She loved helping out with the baby once my son arrived, but she thought of him more as a doll that didn't require batteries. Looking back, I think this is why nothing really bothers him now...

The kids' rooms were upstairs, and we spent most of our time downstairs so I always had diapers stashed nearby because you just never know when you'll need one. Well, my son needed a new one, and the diaper stash was fresh out. So I told my daughter to watch her brother and not to let him squirm anywhere while I went upstairs to get more diapers. 

I took those stairs 3 at a time, and by the time I was at the top, the murderous screaming had begun. I grabbed the diapers and raced back down to see if anyone was bleeding. 

I have absolutely no idea how she did it in such a short period of time, but that girl had stripped that kid naked--pants, onesie, socks, diaper, hat! My teeny son was wailing and red on the floor, looking like a furious Klingon. His sister's expression was priceless; she looked absolutely mortified! 

I started to put the poor little naked baby back together, and she sat there, staring with her mouth hanging open. Finally she said, "Mom! Did you know Nathan has a TAIL?!!!!!!!!"

I stifled a laugh somehow because this was way too early to have that conversation! I said, "Sweetie, he doesn't have a tail. It's OK."

Not good enough. "No, Mom! Look! It's a TAIL! You've gotta cut that thing off!!!!!"

I don't remember exactly what happened after that, but she felt it was her civic duty as a sister to inform anyone who would listen that her brother had a tail. Excellent information. She informed our neighbors, all the kids at daycare, a few people at the grocery store, and a waitress. What do you say?

Finally I told her it was OK for Nathan to have a tail; it's just not something we tell everyone on the planet. 

Here's the question: why in the world would she want me to tell that story over and over and over again? I do not get it! There are many more too! I don't know where she gets this stuff, but I'm hoping like heck there's an application resulting in a lucrative enterprise! 

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